Thanks, Billy. That was exactly the thread I was thinking of. As a matter of fact, a copy of the confidential outline (in English) would be just as good as a letter. It would have to be a copy of a CO's original, genuine outline in English for my brother-in-law to (maybe) accept it. He says no such thing was ever discussed in elders' meetings with the CO. I wonder if it was just a regional thing...
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
First Ever JW to attend ETON College. Boy's father steps down as MS.
by ThomasCovenant in
eton college is possibly the most famous public school in the world and they have recently accepted their first ever jehovah's witness.
the link above is a local news item.. i am reliably informed that the boy's father 'stepped down' from his 'position' of ministerial servant as some in the local congregation were not too happy with the example being set.. .
First Ever JW to attend ETON College. Boy's father steps down as MS.
by ThomasCovenant in
eton college is possibly the most famous public school in the world and they have recently accepted their first ever jehovah's witness.
the link above is a local news item.. i am reliably informed that the boy's father 'stepped down' from his 'position' of ministerial servant as some in the local congregation were not too happy with the example being set.. .
under the radar
If anyone has a copy of that letter that zarco was talking about, I'd sure appreciate your letting me know. I asked my brother-in-law (a life-long Witness and currently the COBOE of his congregation) about it and he said he never heard of such a letter and did not believe it ever existed. They had just had a CO visit when I heard about the letter on JWN, so I thought for sure it would come up on the next go-around. He's had at least 3 Circuit Overseer visits since then and still denies it.
There was a Spanish version (with translation) on this site, but I never did see an English version. If I could present him with one, I believe I'd score valuable points and maybe get to show him other things I have told him about but he couldn't believe. By the way, he is absolutely honest and if he says he didn't see or hear about such a letter, I believe him. If he had seen it but been "sworn to secrecy," he would have just simply said he couldn't discuss it. He would NOT have denied that it existed.
How Jehovah's Witnesses Differ From Cults
by Bangalore infound this article by some guy named john w scott that says jw's are not a cult.. .
under the radar
I was appalled by the blatant lies and misrepresentations in this piece. Most of the author's assertions about the Witnesses are misleading at best and I believe outright deceptive in intent. On some points, he uses misdirection to appear to be addressing a concern while really only trying to distract the reader from the real issue. Classic bait-and-switch. And the Society accuses the "apostates" of using "lies and half-truths." How ironic. How hypocritical.
I realize that this article isn't an "official" statement from the Society, but I believe it does represent their own view of themselves. The author is almost certainly an active, avid Witness, and not a disinterested observer. The whole thing has an obvious pro-Witness bias and strives to promote Witness beliefs while masquerading as a scholarly discussion of the subject at hand. This in itself is deceptive and disingenuous.
I would love it if someone with the writing skills of, say, Barbara Anderson, could take the time to refute this article point for point, using direct quotes from Watchtower literature to show the truth about the Truthâ„¢. Of course, die-hard Witnesses would never read it, but others might be spared a lifetime of subjugation to the old men in Brooklyn.
An unbiased look at the unvarnished facts leads to one inevitable conclusion: the Watchtower Society is definitely a cult, by any objective definition.
Amazing local cable segment
by under the radar inflipping through the channels this afternoon, i came across a local cable show that spotlights small businesses around town.
this afternoon's featured business was.... wait for it.... j.
under the radar
Flipping through the channels this afternoon, I came across a local cable show that spotlights small businesses around town. This afternoon's featured business was.... wait for it.... j. dubs !!! This is a very nice coffee shop I strongly believe is run by one of our most erudite JWN posters.
The interviewer was very enthusiastic and Jim Whitney did an excellent job of showcasing his fine coffee shop. I was very impressed with the whole thing.
You can watch the entire segment on the web at
Just scroll down to the j. dub review and enjoy.
Memphis, TN
by asilentone ini have been to memphis, tn for breakfast on the way to tulsa, ok from georgia more than few years ago, someone would like for me to move to memphis, but i did not find memphis very appealing at all.
is there anything good about memphis?
i might reconsider, but for now, i am not so sure..
under the radar
Good morning, everyone!
I moved to Memphis from GA in 1973. Have lived there ever since, but nowadays spend a LOT of time with the love of my life up north in New England. My work is based in Memphis and I still have a couple of houses (one for sale), a wonderful adult son, and an ex down there.
There are definitely areas of Memphis to avoid like the plague. But there are very nice areas, too. Try looking in Bartlett, Cordova, or Germantown. All abut Memphis and are very close to all the major shopping and business centers.
In my opinion, for tax purposes, try to get a place that is NOT within the Memphis city limits or likely to annexed any time soon. The city of Memphis is always trying to expand its tax base by absorbing unincorporated areas. What really happens is the most productive citizens move out as soon as possible and the lower class and criminal elements move in. Read any edition of the Memphis newspaper Commercial Appeal and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Memphis has plenty of fun things to do and good places to eat. Visit Graceland. You absolutely MUST experience the dry rub ribs at the Rendezvous (it's been in several movies). While you're downtown, check out Beale Street. It's amazing. Brad's is a very good, inexpensive barbecue place in Bartlett. Abbey's is a little restaurant across from Wolfchase Mall (out east) that features delicious southern home cooking.
I was more or less "active" till about 2000. Just stopped going or participating in anything "cold turkey." Went to all the meetings at the Memphis Assembly Hall and the Mid South Coliseum from the early 70's through the 90's. Knew lots of people in the northern Mississippi and west Tennessee congregations. My sudden "fade" went great. No one has bothered me or even tried to "follow up." Wouldn't do them any good, of course. I will NEVER go back to that Orwellian world.
If you're really thinking of moving there or just have any questions, PM me and I'll do my best to at least point you in the right direction. Good luck!
by Mary inthis is one post i had always hoped i would never have to do, but after a long and brave battle, my beloved brother in law has died.
i have done a couple of threads on this in the past, so many of you know the battles he was facing.
he had been diagnosed earlier this year with myelodysplastic syndrome and the mortality rate of this disease is quite high.
under the radar
Mary, I was shocked and saddened to hear of your brother-in-law's passing. My deepest sympathies are with you and your family. I too have had loved ones sacrificed on the altar of the Watchtower. I believe the perpetrators of this false, irrational doctrine on the medical use of blood are in for special punishment. They're certainly bloodguilty in my eyes.
So sorry for your loss,
Has anyone dealt with custody issues after leaving?
by ~Jen~ ini left my husband at the end of june.
we were having a lot of issues in our marriage that i tried to talk about and he refused to see or even acknowledge.
me leaving was the final straw but to him i just up and left for "no reason".
under the radar
I'm no lawyer, but if your hubby's attorney (the lady JW) was once in your congregation, knew you personally, and/or if you ever told her anything personal or confidential, you might be able to have her removed from the case on the grounds of conflict of interest. A non-JW lawyer might not be so determined to screw you over just because you dared to leave the Truthâ„¢.
I would definitely make sure your lawyer has a copy of the JW preparing for child custody cases strategy document that someone else referred to. Nothing like having the other guy's playbook. They may deny such a document exists, but if you prove they're lying by producing it in court, things may go more in your favor.
Good luck!
Illegitami non carborundum! (Don't let the bastards wear you down!)
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 5
by Simon inmy life ... and how jwd came to be - part 1. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 2. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 3. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 4. i swear, i thought it was only a couple of years at most since i wrote part 4 of "my life and how jwd came to be".
i re-read it after someone posted to it and brought it back on active topics and it was kind of prophetic in a way ... well, i had the 5 years part right if nothing else:.
it would be nice to visit the site (or whatever one is around then) in 5 years time to let people know how we're doing and find only a few of the same people still around.
under the radar
Thanks, Simon. I look forward to listening to your JC tapes, whenever you find time to hunt them down. I know you're very busy right now, but I'm sure they'll be worth the wait. My best to you and yours.
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 5
by Simon inmy life ... and how jwd came to be - part 1. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 2. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 3. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 4. i swear, i thought it was only a couple of years at most since i wrote part 4 of "my life and how jwd came to be".
i re-read it after someone posted to it and brought it back on active topics and it was kind of prophetic in a way ... well, i had the 5 years part right if nothing else:.
it would be nice to visit the site (or whatever one is around then) in 5 years time to let people know how we're doing and find only a few of the same people still around.
under the radar
Hello Simon and Angharad!
Thank you so much for continuing your story and posting links to the previous four parts. Reading them in order made it easier to follow the story line and get a better sense of what you (and yours) went through. It was very moving, and I thank you for sharing it with us.
Though I read almost every post in every section nowadays, I don't post much because I really don't have anything to add. Others have gone through much harsher times than I, and suffered and endured much more than I ever did. I am embarrassed and ashamed that I was ever a part of an organization that could allow such things to occur in its name. Of course, some peoples' families and friends went way beyond what was strictly "required," but still, the Organization fostered the atmosphere of fear, suspicion, and revulsion (if not outright hatred) that led to such travesties. And in spite of the blatant hypocrisy of the July 2009 Awake! article that said, "No one made to choose between his beliefs and his family", they seem to actually be ratcheting up the pressure to do exactly that. Or, as my sister said (paraphrased), "That doesn't apply to US, because WE have the TRUTH!"
I do have two questions. First, would you ever consider posting the recordings of your Judicial Committee? I would very much like to hear them, and I'm sure a lot of other people would too. Second, and this is for Angharad, how do you pronounce your name? I was wondering if it was derivative (or perhaps a source) of the name Ingrid. Just curious...
Again Simon, thanks for your story, and especially for all your hard work in creating and maintain this site. There's simply no telling how many have been helped to shed the shackles of "ze Organization" and discover there is indeed life after the Watchtower.
Regards and best wishes,
Excellent place for "field circus" breaks
by under the radar ini was walking around downtown manchester, nh this afternoon and almost fell on the sidewalk laughing.
there's this coffee shop right next to subway that i had never noticed before.
the store's name is....... wait for it........... .
under the radar
Hi everyone!
I was walking around downtown Manchester, NH this afternoon and almost fell on the sidewalk laughing. There's this coffee shop right next to Subway that I had never noticed before. The store's name is....... wait for it..........
j. dubs
I could hardly believe it. I don't have a photo posting account anywhere and could not post it directly from my computer, but if anyone wants to post the pic here for everyone's viewing enjoyment, just PM me and I'll email it to you and you can do the rest. I can assure you this is a real business that was open earlier today. I have no idea where they got their name or if it has any connection to "ze Organisation." I seriously doubt it. That would be entirely too ironic, seeing as they hate any of the nicknames we "boggie men" have given them.